Why Mauritius is good for foreign investors?

Mauritius is recognised as a good place for investors to invest.

There are many reasons to explain why the country has a conducive business environment.

There is no minimum capital requirement to open a business. There is also 100% foreign ownership which means foreign investors can hold the entirety of their business and do not require to have a local business partner. The absence of foreign exchange control allows business transactions to take place in any currency. There is also no capital gains tax, no dividend and no interest withholding tax, or share transfer tax. There is a flat corporate and income tax rate of 15% and in some cases a partial exemption of 80% is applicable. Mauritius is ranked 13th in the world and 1st in Africa on the World Bank doing business survey.

There is also free repatriation of profits, dividends and capital so that investors can exit their business anytime they feel like.

Mauritius has a plethora of investment opportunities in a number of key sectors so that investors have a choice of where to invest. Key opportunities exist namely in the following sectors: Agro Industry, Blue Economy, Education, Financial Services, Freeport and Logistics, Healthcare & Pharma, ICT, Lifesciences, Creative Industry, Real Estate & Hospitality, Renewable Energy, Manufacturing and Sports Economy.

The country has a skilled workforce and its graduates have a strong command of English. They are thus well equipped to work in a global environment.

Mauritius has a financial centre status, with a regulatory framework designed to encourage foreign investment and protect investors’ interests. The country is home to leading arbitral institutions. As a mature international financial centre, Mauritius offers a host of financial products including the formation of trusts and foundations, investment holding companies and trading companies.

Mauritius enjoys an extensive treaty network of International Protection and Promotion Agreements and Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements, many of which with African countries.

Mauritius enjoys high bandwidth connectivity with Europe, Asia and Africa and a state-of-the art fixed and mobile telephone network. There is a well-developed physical infrastructure with fully serviced business and industrial parks where investors just have to plug in to be in operating mode. Mauritius also runs a modern freeport with deep-water quays. An international airport with a modern terminal connects the island nation to various cities around the world.

What is most remarkable about what the island has to offer to foreign investors is its quality of life. Mauritius is one of the most sought-after exotic destinations in the world. Investors’ families are quick to adapt to the local way of life and there is a choice of French speaking and English-speaking international schools.

Permanent residency options are also available to investors depending on the amount of their investment. In addition to permanent residency conditions applicable, investors are also eligible to invest in freehold property subject to a threshold amount. Mauritius also has various avenues for foreign nationals wishing to work, live or retire in the country.

There is not one but a number of reasons why Mauritius is good for foreign investors. If you’re considering investing in Mauritius, we can provide you with the expertise you need to navigate the opportunities available in this exciting destination. With our deep understanding of financial planning, Corporate, Trust, Fiduciary and Fund Administration, the team at Nexus Global can help you achieve your investment goals and take advantage of Mauritius’ favourable business environment. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you invest in Mauritius and grow your business.